Posts tagged self-development
20 curiosities on human body

There are many curiosities about the human body that prove it to be a real miracle. About many of these, we may never have thought of them. For example, babies have 60 bones more than adults. Probably many do not know this. As you learn more, curiosity will become even greater!

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Creative meditation for self-esteem

Imagine yourself in a current situation in your daily life, and then visualize some person (known or unknown), who treats you with lots of love and admiration. Visualize that you are a wonderful person (continue with this, even if you feel embarrassed).

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A holistic vision on female beauty

"Woman, you are full of mystery and all-encompassing like the ether, you are fresh and lively like the Air, you are bright and passionate, like Fire, you are graceful and delicate like the Water, you are vital, stable and profound like the Earth."

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10 signs you have EQ (Emotional Intelligence)

"Too bad that he read so much, because despite of it, he does not manage life at all."

How many times did you think about someone, or you actually have had the intuition that the person is worse in the field of emotional intelligence than that of cognitive intelligence (rated by IQ).

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An easy way to slow down aging

Benefits of cabbage consumption: "With vitamin A, it slows down external signs of aging"

Cabbage brings many health benefits, and can be eaten both raw and stewed or cooked. Rich in phytonutrients and vitamins, cabbage helps prevent disease by neutralizing free radicals. It is known for its anti-inflammatory effects, protection of the digestive tract and cardiovascular system.

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Did you know that meditation reduces pain?

A recent scientific study demonstrates that the praactice of meditation reduce the pain experienced by the patients, in a different way from the placebo effect. Other areas of the brain are activated when meditating.

Scientists at the Wake Forest Medical Center in North Carolina, USA, have found new evidence that meditation reduces pain more effectively and faster than the placebo effect, which improves the health of a patient without having to give medication or other treatment.

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Best way to start and end your day

How do you usually start your day? You get out of bed, check your phone and enter social networks to see what news has appeared overnight? Or do you wake up, hurry to organize yourself and your loved ones, to get everyone where they want to, and on time?

Regardless of the scenario that suits you - or you may be somewhere between them - there is a much better way to start your morning.

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Seven simple tips that will bring you closer to your life's mission

Do you aspire that your dreams and your purpose in this life turn into reality? These simple tips, which you probably already know, will help you if you remember them and take them into account.

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25 amazing psychic curiosities that it's important you know about

25 amazing psychic curiosities that it's important you know about

They will help you understand yourself, but also others, much better, and in this way you can make use of these aspects in order to make your life happier and more harmonious.

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The best hours for your health

Everything around us takes place in cycles: the days of the week, the months of the year, the seasons, the cycles of education and so on. Many spiritual traditions teach us that the exterior mirrors what it is within. This means that if there are external cycles, than there are as well internal cycles.

The work of our internal organs follows a rigorous program. Every other hour, another organ moves into a period when it can self-heal, regenerate, has its maximum of activity and, at the opposite end, it is most vulnerable to external actions.

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What makes you really happy?

Have you ever wondered what makes you really happy? The bank account? Good health? A lesser amount of clothes? Your child's success? Many people think they need some objects to be happy and that happiness will come when they reach their goals. The French poet Guillaume Apollinaire said, "From time to time, it's good to stop looking for happiness and simply be happy." Perhaps you should also take a break and reflect on the remarks below. It may change the way  you perceive happiness!

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The practice of holistic life is 100% a personal journey, and it’s never a competition.

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