The full moon is the height of the influence of the moon on our planet. It is that particular moment the flow of lunar energies reaches a maximum, and as a consequence the increased responsiveness and sensitivity of all living organisms is amplified. In the Lunar cycle there is a very important moment, particularly evident in Eastern astrological tradition, showing that two days before full Moon, its influence is particularly beneficial on our planet. It is a privileged day, called the period of beauty and universal harmony or Tripura Sundari.
Read MoreWhat if there was a holistic way to decrease stress, ease anxiety, improve sleep and boost your mood – and you could do it anywhere, at any time? How about also helping to relieve chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and blood pressure problems? Interested? You’re lucky, because these holistic life techniques already exists. It’s time to introduce breathing exercises into your daily routine.
Read MoreEinstein has proven that everything in the universe is composed of energy, including the human body. When we lived in harmony with nature, our body’s energies vibrated in resonance with the universal energies. And therefore we experience optimum physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.
Read MoreA state of perfect mental concentration involves the focusing of the whole potential of attention on the chosen object, for a specified period of time, without forcing or letting appear a state of mental tension. This process is analogous to the phenomenon of focusing the sunlight through a lens: the power of the sunbeams collected in a single point increases enormously in comparison to the power of the dispersed sunbeams.
Read MoreWinter holidays are here. And as always, we see the entire town adorned with lights and people are searching for the best present ever. In times like this I go deep inside myself and ask: “What do I really need?” The answer is actually never: a new dress, a more performing smartphone…
Read MoreWe all can have big benefits from different types of coaching – not only for our career, but also for us as a human being on an evolutionary path. Making use of someone’s expertise and life experience can save us lots of time and frustrations. And when about self-development, this is an area which definitely requires a good guide, an experienced coach or teacher who can guide you through the maze of our inner universe!
Read MoreWe all know how helpful, and even crucial, mindfulness is to a balanced, calm, and fulfilling life. Far beyond just something you do while sitting in lotus position with your eyes closed, mindfulness can also be done standing, walking, and lying down. What do we do then, in order to stay in conscious awareness of our thoughts? You bring that mindfulness into everything you do during your awake state: mindful eating, mindful drinking, mindful driving, and any other action we experience in our daily lives.
Read MoreRaw honey is unprocessed and unpasteurized, it preserves the beneficial nutrients present. Commercial honey lacks the incredible benefits of raw honey. Local raw honey could help if you’re prone to seasonal allergies! Raw honey before bed helps you sleep by helping to promote the production of melatonin.
Read MoreGrapes have been known for thousands of years as the “fruit of the gods” because of their exceptional nutritional and curative qualities. Called natural multi-vitamins by scientists, grapes are one of the most complete foods.
Read MoreDream telepathy suggests that human beings have the ability to communicate telepathically with another person while they are dreaming. And this isn’t a new concept, as scientific interest in telepathy dates back to the fathers of the psychoanalytic movement. Freud, for example, looked at the implications of telepathy on psychoanalytic thought. He also considered dream telepathy, or the telepathic influence of thought on dreaming, on multiple occasions. Carl Jung believed in the telepathic hypothesis without question, and even developed a theoretical system to explain “paranormal” events of this nature.
Read MoreOf all realized masters, Rumi had a way of speaking from the heart that not many could parallel. His words radiate compassion, unconditional love for others and most importantly oneself. His teachings were many, but always voiced the importance of following one’s intuition, trusting yourself, and not just believing, but knowing that in life and in love, you will always find a way. I have gathered for you twenty five inspiring quotes which can easily teach us to trust in the Self! Enjoy!
Read MoreThere are many paths in life. But the longest of them all is the path to the heart. If you resist this path, you may take lifetimes to find it again. If you surrender and embrace it, you’ll be home. We’ve all been blinded by the cloud of emotions that comes from falling down the precipice of love. While we only have one word for it, the ancient Greeks, in their pursuit of wisdom and self-understanding, found eight different forms of love that we all experience at some point.
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